The age of
achievement A.D. 750 to the end of the fifteenth century
Part Two:
The achievements
C.E. Bosworth
Volume IV, Part One, of this History
covered the dynastic, political and military history of Central
Asia. Part Two covers the cultural achievements of the various
peoples of this immense region: arts and crafts, languages,
scripts, literature, architecture, music, science, medicine
and technology. The borders of the Central Asian heartland
of steppes, desert and forests fluctuated over the period
7501500. At first, the Islamic faith and culture had
to compete with older established faiths in Central Asia such
as Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Christianity and Buddhism.
For over four centuries, the advance of Islam was gradual,
but it was to have far-reaching consequences as it extended
north-eastwards. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,
Islam and Islamic culture achieved dominance over all its
rivals in Transoxania and the area to its north and also established
a firm footing in north-western India and southwards through
the subcontinent.
Thus arose a unique moment in history for the
interchange of ideas and aspects of material culture, in which
Central Asia acted as an intermediary. The faiths of the West
and the South, of the Near East, of the Iranian world and
the Indian, now had an impact on the lands further east and
north. In the reverse direction, commerce, highly skilled
crafts such as ceramics, and technological achievements such
as silk production and woodblock printing, spread from China
to the Islamic world and thence to Europe.
C. E. Bosworth
of Contents

of Contents
Description of the
The late M. S. Asimov,
President of the International Scientific Committee
Members of the International
Scientific Committee
List of contributors
Note on transliteration and style for names
C. E. Bosworth
Chapter 1 The development of education:
maktab, madrasa, science and pedagogy
Part One The Islamic lands and
their culture
A. K. Mirbabaev
Part Two The search for knowledge
through translation: translations of Manichaean, Christian and Buddhist
literature into Chinese, Turkic, Mongolian, Tibetan and other languages
P. Zieme
Part Three Early Buddhism in Tibet
and the educational role of the monasteries
Wang Furen
Chapter 2 Religions and religious
H.-J. Klimkeit
Part One Religions in the Central
Asian environment
R. Meserve
Part Two Manichaeism and Nestorian
H.-J. Klimkeit
Part Three The advent of Islam:
extent and impact
E. E. Karimov
Part Four Non-Islamic mystic
movements in Hindu society
C. Shackle
Chapter 3 Works on hadîth
and its codification, exegesis and theology
Part One The contribution of eastern
Iranian and Central Asian scholars to the compilation of hadîths
A. Paket-Chy Part Two Quranic exegesis
C. Gilliot
Chapter 4 Legal, political and
historical sciences
Part One Legal and political sciences
in the eastern Iranian world and Central Asia in the pre-Mongol
C. E. Bosworh
Part Two Arabic, Persian and Turkish
Historiography in the eastern Iranian world
C. E. Bosworth
Part Three Arabic, Persian and
Turkish historiography in Central Asia
R. N. Frye
Part Four Historiography among
the Mongols
Sh. Bira
Chapter 5 Philosophy, logic and
M. Dinorshoev
Chapter 6 Mathematical sciences
Part One Introduction: the mathematicians
and their heritage
Q. Mushtaq
Part Two The mathematical sciences
J. L. Berggren
Chapter 7 Astronomy, astrology,
observatories and calendars
A. Akhmedov
Chapter 8 Geodesy, geology and
mineralogy. Geography and cartography. The Silk Route across Central
Part One Geodesy and mineralogy,
Geography and cartography
S. Maqbul Ahmad
Part Two The Silk Route across
Central Asia
K . Baipakov
Chapter 9 Alchemy, chemistry, pharmacology
and pharmaceutics
Part One Alchemy and chemistry
in Islamic Central Asia
A. Abdurazakov
Part Two Tibetan and Mongolian
Ts. Haidav
Chapter 10 Physics and mechanics.
Civil and hydraulic engineering. Industrial processes and manufacturing,
and craft activities
D.R. Hill
Chapter 11 Natural life and the
manmade habitat in Central Asia
A. R. Mukhamejanov
Chapter 12 Medical and veterinary
Part One Medicine, pharmacology
and veterinary science in Islamic eastern Iran and Central Asia
L. Richter-Bernburg
Part Two Medicine and pharmacology:
Chinese, Indian, Tibetan and Graeco-Arab influences
H. M. Said
Chapter 13 Language situation
and scripts
Part One Iranian languages
A. Tafazzoli
Part Two Old Turkic and Middle
Turkic languages
D. Sinor
Part Three Pre-Mongol and Mongol
writing systems
G. Kara
Part Four The Tibetan script
G. Kara
Part Five Arabic
S. Blair
Chapter 14 The linguistic sciences
Part One Lexicography
V. A. Kapranov
Part Two Encyclopaedias
Z. Vesel
Chapter 15 Oral tradition and the
literary heritage
Part One Persian literature
A. Afsahzod
Part Two Literature of the Turkic
A. Kayumov
Part Three Tibetan and Mongolian
G. Kara
Part Four The literatures of
north-western India
C. Shackle
Part Five The Kyrgyz epic Manas
R. Z. Kydyrbaeva
Chapter 16 Arts
and crafts
Part One Arts
and crafts in Tansoxania and Khurasan
A. A. Hakimov
Part Two Turkic
and Mongol art
E. Novgorodova
Part Three Hindu
and Buddhist arts and crafts: tiles, ceramics and pottery
A. H. Dani
Chapter 17 Arts of the book and
Part One Arts of the book and
M. M. Ashrafi
Part Two The development of calligraphy
P. Soucek
Chapter 18 Urban
development and architecture
Part One Transoxania
and Khurasan
G. A. Pugachenkova
Part Two Southern
Central Asia
A. H. Dani
Part Three Eastern
Central Asia
Liu Yingsheng
Chapter 19 Music and musicology,
theatre and dance
Part One Music in the Buddhist
and pre-Buddhist worlds
B. Lawergren
Part Two Music in the Islamic environment
E. Neubauer
Part Three Festivals, drama and the
performing arts in Khurasan and Transoxania
M. H. Kadyrov
C. E. Bosworth
Bibliography and references